Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Compatibility
Development of websites optimized for viewing on smartphone and tablet devices.
- Emulation: Tools for emulating features of mobile devices on a desktop.
- Responsinator: Quickly test any website in popular resolutions.
- Simulate Mobile Devices with Chrome Developer Tools: Use Chrome DevTools' Device Mode to build mobile-first, fully responsive web sites. Learn how to use it to simulate a wide range of devices and their capabilities.
- Touché: Touché: bringing touch events to non-touch browsers (how touching!). No dependencies. No code bloat.
- thumbs.js: Adds touch support to your browser.
- Gestures: Resources for working with touch mechanics (what your fingers do on the screen) and touch activities (results of specific gestures).
- Hammer.js: Hammer helps you add support for touch gestures to your page, and remove the 300ms delay from clicks.
- Introduction to Gestures: Descriptions of different gestures an their meanings.
- Pointer Events Polyfill: PEP polyfills pointer events in all browsers that haven't yet implemented them, providing a unified, responsive input model for all devices and input types.
- Touchy: Touchy is a jQuery plugin for managing touch events on W3C-compliant browsers, such as Mobile Safari or Android Browser, or any browser that supports the ontouchstart, ontouchmove and ontouchend events.
- jGestures: A jQuery plugin that enables you to add gesture events just like native jQuery events. Includes event substitution for mouse events.
- Layout: The way in which the parts of the website are arranged or laid out.
- Snap.js: A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs (side menus) in Javascript.
- Swipe: Swipe is the most accurate touch slider.
- Swiper: Swiper is a free mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and native behavior. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native/hybrid apps.
- jqm-pagination: A jQuery Mobile plugin for sequential pagination between pages with support for touch, mouse, and keyboard.
- swipeslide: A Zepto Plugin for iOS like swipe navigation.
- Scrolling: Native scrolling of the browsers doesn't always fit for mobile websites. There are resources which solve this problem.
- Overscroll: Overscroll is a jQuery plug-in that mimics the iphone/ipad scrolling experience in a browser.
- Overthrow: A framework-independent, overflow: auto polyfill for use in responsive design.
- Zynga Scroller: A pure logic component for scrolling/zooming. It is independent of any specific kind of rendering or event system.
- iScroll: iScroll is a high performance, small footprint, dependency free, multi-platform javascript scroller.
- jQuery.pep.js: A lightweight plugin for kinetic-drag on mobile/desktop.
- jSwipeKinetic: A jQuery plugin that enables you to add kinetic scrolling on your touch optimized projects. jSwipeKinetic is build on top of jGestures.
- pull-to-refresh.js: This plugin enables a pull-to-refresh functionality in mobile safari for scrollable block elements with native scrolling on iOS.
- Tap Acceleration: Every touch-based mobile browser has an artificial ~300ms delay between you tapping a thing on the screen and the browser considering it a "click", but there are ways to work around this behavior.
- 300ms Tap Delay, Gone Away: An article by Google describing the 300ms delay and how Chrome 32+ on Anrdoid deals with it.
- Hammer.js: Hammer helps you add support for touch gestures to your page, and remove the 300ms delay from clicks.
- Tappable: Tappable is a simple, standalone library to invoke the tap event for touch-friendly web browsers.
- fastclick: FastClick is a simple, easy-to-use library for eliminating the 300ms delay between a physical tap and the firing of a click event on mobile browsers.
- Touch Keyboard: Almost all modern smartphones provide a touch based keyboard for text input. There are some tactics to influence them and work around their quirks.
- A Guide To Designing Touch Keyboards: In this article, we will look a bit deeper into the usability issues surrounding touch keyboards, including five design guidelines that will alleviate some of these pains.
- Working With Sensors: All mobile devices are equipped with sensors like gyroscope, accelerometers, photometers, magnetometers and so on. Some of them are accessible in a browser through JavaScript.