- UberWriter - Distraction-free Markdown editor for GNU/Linux made with GTK+
- NFO Viewer - Simple viewer for NFO files, beating text editors with preset font and encoding settings and clickable hyperlink support.
- Paperwork - Personal document manager for scanned documents and PDFs.
- Easy Ebook Viewer - Modern GTK Python app to easily read ePub files.
- Bookworm - Simple, focused eBook reader that looks good in GNOME.
- Showdown - Simple markdown viewer.
- Pdftag - Simple metadata editor for PDFs
- Webmusic - Web-based music player that integrates your favorite music services into the desktop.
- Nuvola Player - Runtime for web-based music streaming services providing a more native user experience and integration with Linux desktop environments.
- Vocal - Powerful, beautiful, and simple podcast client for the modern free desktop.
- GNOME MPV - GUI for the MPV media player for GNOME.
- Lollypop - Beautiful music application.
- GRadio - Client for web-based radio.
- Parlatype - Audio player specialized for transcription.
- Pulseeffect - Provides limiter, compressor, reverberation, equalizer and auto volume effects for PulseAudio applications.
- Curlew - Multimedia converter for Linux
- Cozy - Audiobook player for Linux
- Coulr - Convert between RGB and hexadecimal codes for colours.
- GColor 3 - GTK3 color picker for GNOME.
- GThumb - Powerful and advanced application to manage your photos and images in GNOME.
- GNOME Games - Game launcher and an emulation frontend to libretro.
- GNOME Tweaks - Previously known as Tweak Tool. Graphical interface for advanced GNOME 3 settings.
- GNOME AppFolders Manager - Tool to manage the applications folder in the application overlay of GNOME.
- Menulibre - Manage your applications categories if you use a traditional application menu like Arc or the Application Menu.
- HydraPaper - Set a different background for each monitor on GNOME
- Dynamic Wallpaper Editor - Utility for editing GNOME's XML wallpapers
- Catfish - Search application, created for XFCE but follows the GNOME HIG.
- Tilix - Tiling terminal emulator for GNOME.
- GPaste - Clipboard manager for GNOME (composed of an applicaiton and an extension).
- Peek - Simple screen recorder that saves your recording as a GIF.
- Sequeler - SQL Client built in Vala
- GNOMIT - Simple Git commit message editor
GTK Modules and Systems
- Plotinus - Command palette for GTK3 Applications.
Status Area
- Window Corner Preview - Create and anchor preview of a window to a corener of the screen.
- Cascade Windows - Quickly arrange windows in a cascade.
- No Title Bar - Merges the activity bar and the title bar of maximized windows.
- gTile - Brings more advanced tiling to GNOME Shell.
- Shellshape - Tiling window extension for GNOME Shell.
Docks and Panels
- Dash-to-Dock - Transforms the GNOME Dash into a fully-featured dock.
- Workspace-to-Dock - Modern dock that fuses the functionalities of workspaces and docks.
- Dash-to-Panel - Modern taskbar/panel not unlike the ones on Windows 7+ and KDE.
Services integration
- Oomox - Generates different color variations of Numix and Materia themes (GTK2, GTK3), Gnome-Colors and Archdroid icons, and matching terminal colorschemes for them.
- Minwaita - Compact fork of Adwaita. (GTK, Shell)
- Adwaita Tweaks - Compact version of Adwaita, more faithful than minwaita but less compact. (GTK, Shell)
- Materia - Material Design-like theme for GNOME/GTK+ based desktop environments. (GTK, Shell)
- Adapta - Adaptive GTK+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines. (GTK, Shell)
- Vimix - A flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell.
- Arc - Flat theme with transparent elements. (GTK, Shell)
- Pop - Official theme of Pop!_OS by System76, using a two-color blue and orange scheme. (GTK, Shell)
- United - Unity8-inspired theme for GNOME. (GTK, Shell)
- Numix - Popular flat semi-dark theme with an orange touch. (GTK)
- Zukitre - Flat grey theme, part of the zuki-theme suite. (GTK, works with Zuki-Shell for the shell theme)
- Yaru - Ubuntu community theme (GTK, Shell)
- Greybird - Official Xubuntu theme. (GTK)
- Vertex - Metallic theme created by horst3180, the creator of Arc. (GTK, Shell)
- GNOME OSC - Theme that mimics the look and feel of macOS. (GTK, Shell)
- Zukitwo - Skeumorphic grey theme, part of the zuki-theme suite. (GTK, works with Zuki-Shell for the shell theme).
Material Icons
- Paper - Material icon theme.
- Papirus - Material icon theme, initially based on Paper.
- Pop! - Official icon theme of Pop!_OS by System76, based on Papirus.
Flat Icons
- La Capitaine - Icon inspired by macOS and Material Design guidelines.
Homogeneous Icons
- Moka - Simple squared icon theme, loosely based on the Tango specification.
- Obsidian - Continuation of the famous Faenza theme.
- Numix Circle - Flat rounded icon theme.
- Numix Square - Flat square icon theme.
- ComixCursors - X11 mouse theme with a comics feeling. Available in six colors and three variants (regular, slim and opaque).
- Bibata - Silm material-based cursor theme.
- Capitaine Cursors - An x-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze. Designed to be paired with La Capitaine icons.
Developer Tools
Libraries and Utility
- libdazzle - Companion library to GObject and Gtk+, providing various features that the creators wish were in the underlying library but cannot add for various reasons.
- Hello - Set of Hello World examples for GNOME in different languages.